Orpheus not only creates a "detailed and beautiful starry sky", but also projects constellation artwork for all 88 constellations and has many functions for expressing astronomical concepts that are essential for effective planetarium presentations, all from the optical projector’s main body without using an all-sky digital video system.
By taking advantage of the programmable built-in digital shutters, it is possible to project onto a tilted dome, control horizon cutoffs, or even project stars onto the audience seats. Orpheus is a high-spec precision optical projector that can cover a wide range of uses - from education to entertainment.

・ Produces both a breathtakingly beautiful detailed starfield and easy-to-see constellations
・ Achieves an optimal planetarium environment with a pristine starry sky and minimal unwanted noise
・ Multiple projection functions are all located on the main projector body, no “add-ons” or “outboard” projectors
・ Achieves a compact and stylish design (newly engineered planetary projector and 48 cm diameter star sphere)
・ Low maintenance costs with high brightness LED light source
・ Complete hybrid compatibility but versatile enough to be used without video

Beautifully and accurately reproduced starry sky

Controllable star magnitudes

Milky Way

Bright stars, deep sky objects

Digital Shutter

88 constellation picturs

Sun, Moon and Planet projectors

Coordinates and room effect projectors (Optional Item)

Hybrid operation