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June 14, 2016 / News

Notice of Renewal of our web. site!

GOTO INC is pleased to release our new, renovated website at the time of the IPS 2016 conference in Warsaw, Poland, the home of Nicholas Copernicus. Just as Copernicus gave the world the revolutionary idea of a sun-centered planetary system, GOTO INC hopes to supply revolutionary planetarium systems to help pass astronomical concepts to future generations.

Our news for IPS 2016

If you note problems with the website or unclear information, or have any questions at all, please let us know by contacting “info2@goto.co.jp”.

Left :Copernicus Monument and Polish Academy of Science
Center : In Front of the Copernicus Science Centre in sunset color
Right : The Heavens of Copernicus Planetarium, Shooting date, June 10, 2016,