To date, GOTO has installed a variety of fulldome projection systems into planetariums worldwide.
Based on GOTO technology, we have developed systems for both education and entertainment facilities.
Our goal is to met the wide range of needs with dome spaces which maximize each theater’s capabilities.
Selected theaters (Total {{ filterContents.length }})
Total {{ filterContents.length }} theaters {{ currentPage * parPage - parPage + 1}} 〜 {{ filterContents.length }} {{ currentPage * parPage - parPage + 1}} 〜 {{ currentPage * parPage }}
Country | Name Of Planetarium | Model / Year | Dome Dia / Screen |
Number Of Seat / Seat Arrangement |
{{ content.COUNTRY }} | {{ content.NAME_OF_PLANETARIUM }} Website |
{{ content.MODEL }} {{content.Year_open}} / {{content.Up_Date}} |
{{ content.DOME_DIA }} | {{ content.Number_of_SEAT }} |
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