General Audience

MUSICAWhy is the Universe Beautiful?

Genre: Art / Music, Science / Audience: General Audience / Duration: Approx. 26min
©Yamanashi Prefectural Science Center/ Live Company Ltd.

Have you ever asked yourself, "What is beauty?" We have been searching for that answer since the dawn of mankind. The answer may lead us to question why we exist. You can find hints everywhere around yourself, and far away in the Universe - as if they are waiting to be found. This show consists of visual and musical beauty in a prose poem. It is light and pleasant, yet is a revealing immersive experience. It is to be understood not only in your mind, but in your heart as well. That is because the truth of the Universe - "Musica" - exists in you.

The sound of a forest, a flower, a sunset, the vast stadium of stars… A girl is mesmerized by the beauty of Nature and asks, "Why do I sense beauty?" A quiet pianist who calls himself "Musica" shows her the common elements hiding in both music and Nature. And so begins the endless conversation she has with Musica... and the Universe.